Standard 115.22 – Policies to ensure referrals of allegations for investigations
PREA stands for Prison Rape Elimination Act. It is the Woodford County Detention Center’s duty to serve and protect the inmate’s well-being while they’re housed at the detention center. Inmates have the right to be free from any sexual harassment, sexual abuse or sexual misconduct from inmates as well as staff members. The detention center will not tolerate such conduct.
If any allegations of sexual abuse, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct are brought to our attention, an Administration investigation will be conducted by the Jailer, Chief Deputy and the appointed PREA officers. If the allegations deem serious on a criminal level, Versailles Police department will be contacted immediately in reference to the alleged allegations.
When a criminal case is turned over to the local police department it’s their responsibility to complete a follow up investigative interview with the suspect and victim.